Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Nerd Post: My Summer Research & Point-ed Inspiration

I went to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC the other day and was inspired by this picture from the pointillism movement.

Henri Edmond Cross “Coast Near Antibes”. Oil on Canvas. 1891. Pointillism.

What amazed me so is that it was created a century before digital imaging, but yet it utilized the very principle digital image representation is based upon: tiny pixels ("picture units") of color combining to form an image. Print a photo on a printer and you are really outputting a combination of CMYK dots aligning to form the image. Your computer screen is an array of tiny RGB cells. This digital image is a type of pointillism- I took it on the coast of Monterey, California.

I'm doing research this summer on image representation including computer science, photography, and psychology. Stay tuned for more posts, or follow my journey at my blog:

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